About us

The most trusted and popular marketplace for buyers and sellers in the UK shooting industry.

7 million+ visitors a year

The mission

Connecting buyers and sellers

We are the UK number 1 gun marketplace, connecting more than 2.6million people with more than 310,000 guns every year. Our Trade Sellers receive between 40% and 90% of all their gun sales via

For the good of shooting

We are working to increase participation in, and the reputation of, the shooting industry. You can promote for free on any activity that benefits first-time shooters or the shooting community at large.

Managing the most guns

Our Register software is used by more than 400 registered firearms dealers (RFD) and manages an inventory of more than 45,000 guns. It is the longest established, most complete, and most trusted software of its kind.

The history

The British preoccupation with shooting was well established before the Romans settled here in AD43. Hunting deer, wild boar and predators was commonplace. Hunting with bows and dogs became hunting with guns, with the introduction of the matchlock gun in the 1400s. Growing periods of peace around the world and the industrial revolution resulted in the popularity of shooting as a recreational pursuit rather than a means of food production. The National Rifle Association was established in Bisley, England, in 1859.

Shooting sports have been at the summer Olympics since the beginning of the modern Olympics movement in 1896. Guns of all kinds are used every day for hunting, pest control, sports, and recreation worldwide.

Today shooters in the UK spend more than £2.5billion a year on shooting related goods and services. Supporting the equivalent of 74,000 full-time jobs and directly funding the management of two-thirds of ALL rural land in the country. More than 10,000 people a year apply for the first time for a shotgun license.

Guntrader now sees more than 7 million unique users access more than 310,000 listings a year. We have an average of more than 36,000 guns listed each month. Shotguns, rifles, air guns and accessories from more than 900 brands. The largest site of its kind in the UK.

86% visit from the UK, spending an average of nearly 8 minutes browsing per visit. 26% of the people using the site are women, up from only 2% four years ago. Our affinity categories are primarily Luxury Shoppers, Outdoor Enthusiasts, Cooking Enthusiasts, Auto Enthusiasts, Business Professionals and Sports Fans.

Guntrader’s software gun register, now in its seventh version, is used by more than 400 registered firearm dealers (RFD) across the UK to manage their inventory day to day. Guntrader now sees more than 7 million unique users access more than 310,000 listings a year. We have an average of more than 36,000 guns listed each month. Shotguns, rifles, air guns and accessories from more than 900 brands. The largest site of its kind in the UK.

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Sell your new and used shotguns, rifles, airguns and equipment.

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7 million+ visitors a year

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